
Always seeking to know better I tend to be a perfectionist. However, loving to cooperate with a team I balance all the variables so I can perform efficiently and fast while keeping the same quality level.
I'm also very passionate and commited to what I do.

Aside from tecnhologies I'm a very social person with a passion for social relationships and open minded.
Hang out, bodyboard and experience new things are my preferred hobbies.

N. Barros

Swipe left to my personal details

Name : Nuno Barros
Email : nunobarros_@hotmail.com
Address : Porto, Portugal
Skype : nunobarros_@hotmail.com
LinkedIn : ngmatos
Facebook : ngmatos
StackOverflow : nuno-matos


Software Engineering
Software Design


  • 2016 - 2018

    MESW - Master of Software Engineering

    FEUP - Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto

    MESW learning objectives are upheld by its modules and verified through analysis of the academic path taken by its students. Its definition takes as a reference the profile required for professionals, who are capable of applying a systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach, leading to the development, operation and maintenance of a software system that meets the functional requirements and quality attributes.

  • 2013 - 2016

    SIS - Software & Information Systems

    ISMAI - University Institute of Maia

    The degree in Information Systems and Software was designed to give its graduates broad knowledge in the development of computer applications of various types, including information systems, productivity applications and even the development of entertainment software, being focused on the development of professionals with a wide range of technical and personal skills. Such professionals are particularly suited to the current market, which requires people not only with good technical knowledge but also willing to learn, explore and respond to increasingly demanding challenges.

  • 2015 - 2018

    IELTS Certificate

    WSE - Wall Street English, Matosinhos, Porto, Portugal

    Completing IELTS exam certificate in 2018




Reverse Engineering RXJava

Reverse engineering an open source project in order to find, based on a small project scope, Design Patterns, Architecture Styles, and such.
Click to know more!



ZAP Multi-Scanning Rules

Grokking & Extending ZAP framework. This study was made in Software Testing, Verification & Validation discipline. We enhanced some of the OWASP Top Ten vulnerabilities.
Click to know more!